Sunday, January 21, 2018


During govt. shut downs I’m always amused by the lack of inquiries as to how we fund agencies that get partially shutdown. Doesn’t this non-essential status at least “hint” that there is waste to be eliminated?

Monday, September 4, 2017

Holiday Thought

“History cannot give us a program for the future, but it can give us a fuller understanding of ourselves...
— Robert Penn Warren

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Want to explain Charlottesville?

Dr. Lee Cheek, senior fellow of the Alexander Hamilton Institute, concurred, noting, “The events in Charlottesville have no connection to understanding the political traditions of the American South, and everything to do with battles among professional ideologues without any attachment or knowledge of the historical situation.”

Saturday, August 26, 2017


Kaepernick's supporters at the NYC demonstration call him the "Muhammad Ali of the NFL" 

I am sympathetic to Kaep's right to speak out but it's simply a matter of his distractions overshadow his abilities to produce. Ask LeSean McCoy (see link) 

In the mean time Pleeeease somebody apologize to the Ali Family.

Confederate Monuments

I was discussing the Confederate Monuments issue with some high school students yesterday. As a student of US History I was appalled that I rolled out an incorrect percentage of slave ownership in the South. The referenced article is a must read if you plan to join the debate or just want to be informed. 

BTW- Slavery was THE Cause of the Southern States' secessions . (Read their Articles of Secession of each state if you don't believe me) 

Just passing this along. On to HS Football.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Not sure this needs any further comment.
Regarding Transgender Soldiers; I have some questions. 
1. Is this actually a problem in our military? A military that is hailed by the Commander in Chief as already the best in the World. 
2. Can this currently be the most pressing issue in our Country? 
I know this was done to rally his base. The timing (at best) is unfortunate. There are tasks to begin and successes to be built on. 
By the way- I don't care who you love! As a conservative I want people to know that I believe that the Military should only follow policy that helps in their mission; pure & simple. 
This is not designed to spark debate. I want the President to succeed in making America great. This delays the process IMHO.